Support CHS

Ways to Give

Invest in the future of Cathedral High School scholars

Your gift to Cathedral High School is an investment in the future of our scholars. No matter how you choose to give, your gift of any size will make a meaningful impact on the lives of traditionally underserved students – ensuring they receive the opportunities they deserve and that will prepare them to be leadership, college, and life ready.

Ways to Invest

Credit Card

To give via Credit Card, please click the button below. 

To give using Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or Venmo, please click the button below.

Please make checks payable to Cathedral High School or the Adopt-A-Student Foundation and mail to:

Cathedral High School
74 Union Park Street
Boston MA, 02118
℅ Advancement Office 

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine tax benefits while supporting Cathedral. DAF Direct allows you to donate to Cathedral easily and directly. Participating DAF Direct sponsors include Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon.

Donate to Cathedral now through your donor advised fund using DAF Direct.

When you make a gift from your will or trust, you’ll be welcomed into Sister Mary Black Legacy Society.

To learn more about how to make a planned gift and join the Sister Mary Black Legacy Society, please visit our planned giving site:

For assistance with a stock and/or mutual fund transfer, please fill out the form linked below. The Advancement Office will then contact you with all the information needed to make your gift to Cathedral.

For assistance in arranging a wire transfer, please contact the Advancement Office.

All donations are fully tax deductible. 

Two Cathedral Graduates

Did you know?

Your gift may be eligible for Employer Matching!

Through corporate gift matching, your employer can multiply your gift to Cathedral High School, making your gift go further. To find our of your employer matches charitable contributions, please contact your employer or HR department.

Impact Areas

The Cathedral Fund

The Cathedral Fund is our most important fundraising effort of the year, benefiting every aspect of the school and allowing us to provide the transformational education we offer our scholars.

Each year, the Cathedral community comes together to support this mission-critical fundraising campaign. Parents, trustees, alumni, and friends of the school give generously to ensure Cathedral has the resources it needs to offer a generous financial assistance program to 100% of our students, attract and retain outstanding teachers, and support innovative programming that enriches the Cathedral experience for all students.

To ensure affordability for our families, less than 10% of our revenue comes from tuition. That means each year we need to fund over 90% of our expenses. Your generosity makes this possible.

Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever Campaign

The Adopt-A-Student Foundation’s $60 million Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign, spearheaded by an unprecedented $30 million match by a generous alum, positions Cathedral to provide transformational educational opportunities for another century. Launched in 2021, we proudly announced that we surpassed the $60 million goal at the 2024 AASF Gala.

Student Scholarships

Whether you contribute $100 towards a student scholarship or create a named scholarship in memory of a loved one, your contributions directly impact students and their families, making a rigorous, holistic education affordable.

Emergency Family Fund

Cathedral is a community, a family. Your generosity enables us to provide emergency financial support to students and families who face unexpected challenges and hardships that may otherwise impact their ability to pay tuition.

Event Sponsorships

There’s no better way to understand the impact of your generosity than to hear directly from our scholars. Join us at one of our annual events to celebrate our mission, gather in community, and recognize how much of a difference your support truly makes. 

Capital Investments

Help us preserve and enhance our historic South End campus that serves as a second home for our scholars. Capital investments allow us to provide students with the spaces and resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive. 

Gifts in Honor of or in Memory of a Loved One

If you’d like to make a gift to Cathedral in honor or in memory of someone special to you, simply include the name and address of this person or their family, and we will notify them of your thoughtful gift.

Sister Mary Black Legacy Society

When you make a gift from your will or trust, you’ll be welcomed into Sister Mary Black Legacy Society.

To learn more about how to make a planned gift and join the Sister Mary Black Legacy Society, please visit our planned giving site:

Partnerships and Collaborations

There are countless ways to partner together to support Cathedral scholars and enhance our mission.  Please consider hosting Cathedral scholars as interns at your organization, providing them with meaningful real-world experience to complement their classroom learning and prepare them for college and beyond! 

Nancy G. Caruso, Director of Advancement

Nancy G. Caruso

Director of Advancement

If you are interested in learning more about ways to give and make a difference in the lives of our scholars, please contact us. We would love to partner with you to create a meaningful giving opportunity.

Apply to Cathedral High School!

Applications for Fall 2025 are being accepted on a rolling basis as space permits. 

Learn more and start your application today!

Thursday 2/6/25:
School Closed due to Weather

Due to the weather forecast, Cathedral High School will be closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Current families and scholars: Refer to your email for further details. 

Thank you!

Announcing our fall OPEN HOUSE!

100% of Cathedral scholars earn acceptance into college, many with incredible scholarships and financial aid.

Learn how we help scholars reach their college aspirations