Adopt-A-Student Foundation

501(c)(3) founded in 1990 to support the students of Cathedral High School 

The Adopt-A-Student Foundation supports Cathedral High School’s mission of providing a rigorous, holistic education to Boston-area students, regardless of ability to pay.

The Adopt-A-Student Foundation is a Massachusetts charitable trust established to ensure that students of all economic, educational, and faith backgrounds have access to a quality, values-based college preparatory education. Since 1926, Cathedral High School has helped open the doors of educational opportunity to generations of Boston’s youth. The Adopt-A-Student Foundation 501(c)(3) entity, founded in 1990, ensures that no student is turned away from Cathedral due to lack of means. 

Tuition covers less than 10% of Cathedral High School’s costs. Cathedral relies on the Boston philanthropic community to provide financial assistance to 100% of Cathedral’s students. The Adopt-A-Student Foundation organizes fundraising events and initiatives to support scholarships for Cathedral High School students.  Most recently, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation orchestrated the historic $60 million Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever Campaign to sustain Cathedral’s mission for the next century. 

Join us for the Adopt-A-Student Foundation’s two signature annual events which raise critical funds that open doors for traditionally underserved students.



Each fall, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation hosts an inspiring gala in support of Cathedral’s mission. Learn about Cathedral’s transformational impact on Boston youth and hear from current leadership and students. 

AASF Golf Tournament


In June, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation welcomes Cathedral supporters to the beautiful Salem Country Club for a round of golf. Gather with fellow benefactors, hear from current leadership and students, and support the Cathedral mission through event sponsorship and our live auction! 



Each fall, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation hosts an inspiring gala in support of Cathedral’s mission. Learn about Cathedral’s transformational impact on Boston youth and hear from current leadership and students. The Vigor in Arduis Award is presented each year to a benefactor who has demonstrated unprecedented support of Cathedral’s mission. 

AASF Golf Tournament


In June, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation invites Cathedral supporters for a round of golf at the beautiful Salem Country Club. Gather with fellow benefactors, hear from current leadership and students, and support the Cathedral mission through event sponsorship and our live auction! 

Thursday 2/6/25:
School Closed due to Weather

Due to the weather forecast, Cathedral High School will be closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Current families and scholars: Refer to your email for further details. 

Thank you!

Announcing our fall OPEN HOUSE!

100% of Cathedral scholars earn acceptance into college, many with incredible scholarships and financial aid.

Learn how we help scholars reach their college aspirations